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Koala Cup champions in Blacklords FC

From 30 on June to 4 on July, our club fencers had join Koala cup friendships competition in Sydney. All fencers make best results for themself. Congratulations fencers, wishing your have get best experiences from this competition, and keep training hard to exceed yourself.

This is first competition for most fencers, you are very well.

Competition results ( koala cup )

U10 boys foil

Victor GAO 5th

Marcus Li 9th

U10 boys Epee

Ian Lui 10th

Lawrence Qi 15

U10 girls Epee

Victoria Yang silver

Cayla Jiang bronze

Emma Liu 13th

U8 boys Epee

Brian Lui 5th

U12 girls foil

Bronze medal

Ella lei & noemi Varga

Evelyn Ji 9th

Emma Zheng 33th

U12 boys foil

19th Bradley Kwok

28th victor Gao

30th Elvis Zheng

35th Nicholas Wu

44th Marcus Li

52th David Varano

U8 boys foil

Eason Lin 9th

U14 boys Epee

Flynn Goh gold medal

Girls Epee

Chelsea Yang silver medal

Lucy Fu 15th


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